Friedrich Loeffler Institute (FLI) (Federal Research Institute for Animal Health)

Status: Operational

Website: link

Link to Publications: link

Latitude: 54.182817

Longitude: 13.3629501

ABSL-4: Yes

Arthropod Max Containment (ACL-4): No

Containment Type (Glove Box, Suit, or Both): Suit

Date lab was operational, expected or announced: 2015

Research focus: Both

Size of BSL 4 space (square meters): 405 SqM (all space within inner circle of BSL4) , 180 SqM (lab, utility rooms), 350SqM (180SqM + animal cubicles, necropsy room and chemical shower)(96)

Type of Lab: Public Health

Urban/Rural: Rural

Lab Type: BSL4